march 19th - 23rd 2018

a game development non-conference, for everyone.

How To Take Part See The Submissions Join The Jam #notgdc 2017

How to take part

#notGDC is a way for people who make games to share their ideas and knowledge about something they love. Write a blog post, make a video, or upload a demo and let us know on Twitter so we can add it to the list!

Submit Your Talk

2018 #notGDC Submissions!

Events Inclusivity

New Ideas Video

#notGDC Innopolis University Talks

by Innopolis Indie GameDev Club

Motivation Twitter Thread

Programming Design

Programming 🎨Shaders 🎨

HLSL Shader Tutorials! (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

by Ronja

Design 🤖GNOG 🤖

Design Worldbuilding

New Ideas Design

Old New Ideas New Old Ideas

What I've Learned From Game Design History (Part 1, Part 2)

by The Mad Welshman

New Ideas 🎱BALLS ⚽️

New Ideas

Motivation Twitter Thread

Marketing Audio

New Ideas Twitter Thread


Motivation and Big Projects

by Nathan Auckett


New Ideas

New Ideas

Game Boy Homebrew

by Elias Farhan

New Ideas Video

Social VR

by Murky Mulm

Theory Video

Choice Is Consequence

by Gregory Pellechi


Designing 'The Sky House'

by Ahmed Khalifa

New Ideas Video

Sonic Pi Demo/Tutorial

by Asentrix Studios

New Ideas Postmortem

New Ideas

🐝BEES 🐝 Video

Bees In Videogames 🐝

by Sean Oxspring

Motivation Twitter Thread


Beating Procrastination

by Keano Raubun

New Ideas 🚽Toilets 🚽

Why Toilets? 🚽

by Steven Harmon

New Ideas Video


Twitter Thread 🔥Fire 🔥

Join The Jam

@viTekiM and @hmaon are organising a game jam for #notGDC! Join up on and make something awesome between March 19th-26th.

Join Up On Itch