Check out the video submissions in the #notGDC 2023 YouTube Playlist
by Devon Wiersma(2023)
by Citrus(2023)
by Adrian Novell(2023)
by Pete Thorneycroft(2023)
by Steven Harmon(2023)
by PROTO(2023)
by Alex Darby(2023)
by Artyom "Tricky Fat Cat" Volkov(2023)
by Doug Terhune, Jamie Whitmarsh, Christina Terhune, Colin Henry, Yina Wang(2023)
by Patrick Day-Childs(2023)
by Dramatic Iceberg, Leonardo Assom(2023)
by Antonio Miceli, Mega Power Games(2023)
by ben🌱ui(2023)
by Matt Arnold(2023)
by Zach Deocadiz(2023)
by Ryan DowlingSoka(2023)
by Shaun Wall(2023)
by @EstebanGameDev(2023)
by Patrick Day-Childs (Custard Trout)(2023)
by Rafael Smeers Moraes(2023)
by Ghislain GIRARDOT(2023)
by Fabian Fischer(2023)
by Alvaro Jover(2023)
by Nicholas Helish(2023)
by Jose L. Redondo Tello(2023)
by Sharundaar(2023)
by Marlon Wiebe(2023)
by Matthew Bofenkamp(2023)
by Hauke Thiessen(2023)
by Maël Viriot(2023)
by Nikita Lisitsa(2023)
by Lorenzo Cogotti, the 1414 Code Forge(2023)
by jmgomez(2023)
by Axel Born(2023)
by Nick Filonchik(2023)
#notGDC is an informal event run entirely by volunteers. Huge thanks to everyone who has given their time to help bring it to life.
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